Action:Onboardings - Generate new Onboarding

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Onboardings - Generate new Onboarding
Name Generate new Onboarding
Type Menu
Module Onboardings

Short Description

  1. MintHCM-Onboardings-Menu-Generate Onboarding.png

This action allows you to generate new onboarding from the given onboarding template. After clicking the Generate button in a Onboardings module menu, a popup will appear, where you have to choose an Onboarding Template from the list from Onboarding Templates module and an employee you would like to onboard from the list of employees from Employees module. You will also have to provide start date of the onboarding.

After this action is performed all Onboarding/Offboarding Elements related to the template will be converted into either Tasks or Trainings records respectively. Those records will be related to the generated Onboarding.


Affected by


Name Type Short Description Initiating Fields Affected Fields Affected Modules
Feature:Automatic name generation Automation First Name, Last Name, Name, Start Date Name [[Module:Module:Onboardings|]]
Feature:Calculation of due date field in Tasks Automation It is a sum of start date of the task and task duration field value of Onboarding/Offboarding Templates record. Task Duration (h), Start Date Due Date [[Module:Module:Tasks|]]
Feature:Dependency of Employee field Automation Employee Onboardings
Feature:Dependency of Onboarding start date field Automation Start Date [[Module:Module:Onboardings|]]
Feature:Dependency of name field in Tasks Automation After using Generate action in Onboarding Template record (or Onboardings menu, Employee record) or Generate action in Offboarding Template record (or Offboardings menu, Employee record), name of task record will be inherited from Offboarding/Onboarding Elements record. Name Subject
Feature:Dependency of name field in Trainings Automation After using Generate action in Onboarding Template record (or Onboardings menu, Employee record) or Generate action in Offboarding Template record (or Offboardings menu, Employee record), name of training record will be inherited from Offboarding/Onboarding Elements record. Name Name
Feature:Dependency of subject field in Task Automation When you use the Generate new Offboarding action, the Offboarding templates (or the Offboarding menu, Employee Record) calculate the end date based on the sum of the interview start date and the value of the task duration field. Name Subject [[Module:Module:Tasks|]]
Feature:End date field in Trainings calculation Automation If the user wants to use the Generate action in the Onboarding or Offboarding template, the end date is calculated from the sum of the task start date and the duration in the Onboarding / Offboarding template record Task Duration (h), Start Date End Date [[Module:Module:Trainings|]]

Mentioned in other articles

Dev Notes