
From MintHCM Wiki

Name: Meetings
Tech Name: Meetings
Class Name: Meeting
Type: Standard
Template: Security_groups, Assignable, Basic
Custom Module: No
Auditable: Yes
Importable: Yes
Reportable: Yes
Hide module on Main Page: No

Short Description

Mint's Meetings module is designed to facilitate efficient management of meetings within your organisation. This module provides tools for scheduling, coordinating, and documenting meetings, establishing relevant connections with associated records and participants. Each record carries all information necessary to facilitate a meeting and is visible to all participants.

  1. MintHCM - Meetings - Detail view.png
  2. MintHCM - Meetings - Edit view.png
  3. MintHCM - Meetings - Reminders.png
  4. MintHCM - Meetings - Scheduling panel.png
  5. MintHCM -Meetings - Listview.png


Mint's Meetings module is one of the basic modules within the system. It serves as a comprehensive solution for organizing and managing meetings within the system. It empowers users to efficiently schedule, track, and participate in meetings, ensuring seamless communication and coordination across teams. It is connected with Calendar Module so users can take an overall look on their schedules and review every meeting they have planned considering every detail about it. Each record of the meetings module represents a single meeting that has been held, has been planned to be held in the past or is planned and yet to come in the future. As with the other modules, records of the meetings module can be browsed in a standard perspectives (for instance List, detailed or other views). Adding new or editing existing records can be done by opening edit view and filling the form consisted of fields related to this meeting. All records can be reviewed on a list view, My Meetings dashlet, or, as mentioned before, users' calendars.


Meetings module comprises several fields, each serving a specific purpose in capturing and organizing meeting-related information. Here is a detailed explanation of each field from the 'overview' and 'other' tabs:

Subject Name field equivalent. Serves as a link to the record's detailed view from anywhere in the portal, including list view.
Status This dropdown field captures the current status of the meeting. It offers a selection of predefined options: "For approval," "Planned," "Held" or "Not Held"
Type This dropdown field captures the type of the meeting. It offers a selection of predefined options: "Other" "Sales Meeting", "Project Meeting" or "Internal Meeting".
Related to Within the system, it is possible to establish connections between meeting records and records in other modules. The relationship in this particular case offers flexibility, allowing users to select the specific module from which the associated record should originate. See "Relations" section below for more details.
Start Date Scheduled date and time when the meeting begins.
End Date Expected completion date of the meeting. This field fills up automatically if 'Start Date' and 'Duration' fields are filled prior to this field. After that it can still be modified and it'll alter 'Duration' field accordingly to it's value.
Duration Time span allocated for the meeting. This field fills up automatically if 'Start' and 'End Date' fields are filled prior to this field. After that it can still be modified and it'll alter 'End Date' field accordingly to it's value.
Location Physical or virtual venue for the meeting.
Reminders secondary forms that can be added by clicking "Add reminder" button. Setting up reminders has been described in "Reminders" section below.
Description Allows users to provide additional context or details related to this particular meeting they are scheduling. It can include some information about the specific topic that is to be discussed as a part of this meeting or any other information that seem relevant.
Assigned to Assigns responsibility to a specific user or team within the organization for overseeing the meeting. It ensures clear ownership and accountability for each meeting record.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk on the form are required. Saving the record without providing input to them beforehand won't be possible.


"Related to" field

The Meetings module facilitates connections with several other system modules, enhancing the management of both meetings and associated elements. For instance, users have the capability to associate a meeting with a particular project, establishing a clear relationship between the scheduled meeting and the project. Additionally, this meeting will be prominently displayed in a designated subpanel beneath the respective project, alongside other meetings linked to the same project. This integration optimizes visibility and accessibility for effective coordination. Below is a list of modules which records can be linked to a meeting record with "Related to" field.

In the context of the Meetings module, these modules have the ability to establish a relationship with the meeting records. This means that the records from the Tasks, Projects, Project Tasks, Recruitments, Candidates, Candidatures, Offboardings and Onboardings modules can be associated with a specific meeting record within the Meetingsmodule.


Apart from the "Related to" field, there are other relations that meeting records can establish. Below the detailed view of each record, there are subpanels that contain all connected records from other modules that are connected to selected meeting in a form of a list. The difference between these relations and the one from "Related to" field is that you can select only one record from only one module in a related to module, and within the subpanels multiple records can be selected. Moreover, subpanels colect records that basically represent rather assets or materials that are necessary to properly facilitate considered meeting, not like with the "Related to" field, which usually indicates the subject to be discussed. Below is a list of subpanels visible below meeting record's detailed view with a short comment regarding it's purpose.

Users Lists users who have been invited to this meeting.
Leads Lists leads who have been invited to this meeting.
Candidates Lists candidates who have been invited to this meeting.
Resources Lists resources (like equipment or locations) booked for this meeting. Resources can only be booked on one meeting at a time.
Trainings Training programs defined in the system, if they are realised within this particular meeting.
Exit Interviews Exit interview (interview with a employee prior to their departure from the company) that is to be (or already has been) conducted during considered meeting
Appraisals Appraisals that has been prepared during this particular meeting. Typically related to candidatures.
Conclusions Conclusions made during the meeting.
Reservations Reservations of the resources that are related to this meeting.

Special Features


The Reminders feature provides users with the ability to set up notifications for meetings, helping ensure participants stay informed and on schedule. To set up a reminder just click on "+ Add reminder" button while on Edit View of the meeting record. This action prompts additional fields to appear on the record's form, providing the means to specify reminder details. With this feature, users have the flexibility to schedule system notifications, email message reminders or both, all of which can be dispatched to selected invitees at a chosen interval before the scheduled meeting. After clicking "+ Add reminder" button it remains on the form, right below additional fields it previously introduced. Users can click it multiple times to add multiple reminders regarding a single meeting record.


The Repetitions feature simplifies the scheduling of recurring meetings, reducing the manual effort needed to create multiple records for regular events. On record's Create/Edit View there is a "periodicity" section with a "Repeat" field. By default it is set to "None", but can be modified to following values:

  • Daily,
  • Weekly,
  • Monthly,
  • Yearly.

Upon selecting one of these options, the "Periodicity" section expands, granting users the ability to specify additional parameters for the recurring meetings. These parameters include setting the additional interval between meetings and determining the number of meeting records to be generated, or specifying a date that acts as a boundary for the recurring schedule. In certain scenarios, there are additional fields available to designate the specific days of the week on which the meetings should occur.

Scheduling a meeting from the calendar

Apart from the conventional methods, users can schedule meetings directly from their calendars in MintHCM. To do so, just click on an empty space within your calendar and drag your mouse acros the calendar's grid so the created representation would match the time frames of the meeting you'd like to create. After doing so you'll be directed to Work Schedule create view, but a popup window would also appear with a dedicated buttons to create a call or meeting instead. You'll be redirected to a meeting create view after choosing 'Create meeting' option on a popup window. For more information about utilising your calendar check out articles about Calendar module and My Calendar dashlet.


Why are there individual modules such as Trainings, Exit Interviews, or Conclusions, when they often take the form of meetings?
This question doesn't have any straightforward answer. MintHCM maintains its flexibility in terms of the usefulness of its components. Having distinct modules can prove advantageous for particular organisations. For instance, a dedicated Training module allows centralized storage of training materials, or can hold a defined process that every employee have to go through (definition of a training process, not the representation of a training itself). Similarly, separate modules for Exit Interviews and Conclusions could be a separate space to take notes or raports from such meetings, but with controlled access for specific participants to these official yet sensitive information. These are just a suggestions, whereas these modules can be leveraged in various ways, just to meet organisation's standards and needs.
Why, after setting the repetition to one of available options (for example "Daily"), there is an additional "Repeat Interval" field visible on the form? Isn't an interval determined to 1 day already after selecting "Daily" from the list?
It is by default 1 day, but it can be modified to some other value. It seems to be doubled, but come in handy when users want to create a recurring meeting records for example every other day or every third day etc.
Can I invite external participants who are not users of our system to a meeting?
Yes, you can invite private groups, teams and candidates. Additionally there is an option to add resources the same way participants are being invited. Keep in mind that invitees that are not the users of MintHCM system can't really get a system notification, and therfore can't get such reminder even if it has been set in the meeting record.
What would happen if I set up an email reminder to be sent to invitees that doesn't have an email address specified in the MintHCM system?
System cannot send any message if there isn't an address provided, so they won't get any message. Keep that in mind while scheduling meeting reminders.

Custom Actions

Action Type Short Description
Close Meeting Other Change Meeting status to 'Held'


Related Processes

ProcessShort Description
Add call/meeting reminder processThe process of creating a reminder in the form of a popup or e-mail that informs participants about a potential phone call or meeting.
CalendarIt is a functionality that allows the user to manage and track time in terms of meetings, working times, calls, holidays.
Resource ManagementAssets management and resources booking
Time ManagementThe process of planning the time spent on various activities, which aims to increase the efficiency of the time used

Related Process Steps

Related Features

Affected by

Name Type Short Description Affected Fields Initiating Fields Initiating Modules
Feature:Close all related Meetings Automation On save, when Training status is changed to 'Held', all Meetings related to that Training also change their status to 'Held' Status Status Trainings
Feature:Create a related Meeting to each Training on Onboarding/Offboarding generation Automation On Onboarding/Offboarding generation, for each Training related to Onboarding/Offboarding Template, a new meeting is created related to that Training.
Feature:Dashlet My Calendar Miscellaneous My Calendar dashlet is a feature of the HCM System that provides a clear overview of your work schedule, tasks, calls, and meetings. From here you can efficiently manage your time, make adjustments, and access event details with ease, ensuring better organization and productivity.
Feature:Dashlet My Meetings Miscellaneous My Meetings dashlet in MintHCM system is designed to assist recruiters in effectively overseeing and tracking their interactions with potential hires.

This dashlet provides a unified view of all meeting records assigned to the user, streamlining meeting management and enhancing productivity.

Feature:Meetings - date start - Validation IsBefore Validation This is a simple validation of the meeting start date field, which cannot be later than the end date. Start Date End Date Meetings


Name Type Short Description Initiating Fields Affected Fields Affected Modules
Feature:Close all related Trainings that have other related Meetings closed Automation On save, when Meeting status is changed to 'Held', all Trainings related to that Meeting that have all other related Meetings set to 'Held', will also be set to 'Held' Status Status Trainings
Feature:Meetings - date start - Validation IsBefore Validation This is a simple validation of the meeting start date field, which cannot be later than the end date. End Date Start Date Meetings

Related Integrations



Name Type Required Validations Visible Editable
Accept Link varchar No Yes Yes
Accept Status varchar No Yes Yes
Address varchar No Yes Yes
Assigned to relate No Yes Yes
Created By relate No Yes No
Date Created datetime No Yes No
Date Modified datetime No Yes No
Description text No Yes Yes
Direction enum No Yes Yes
Display URL url No Yes Yes
Duration enum No Yes Yes
Duration Hours int Yes Yes Yes
Duration Minutes int No Yes Yes
Email Reminder bool No Yes Yes
Email Reminder Time enum No Yes Yes
Email reminder sent bool No Yes Yes
End Date datetimecombo No Yes Yes
External App ID varchar No Yes Yes
Geocode Status varchar No Yes Yes
Google Event ID varchar No Yes Yes
Host URL varchar No Yes Yes
LBL_REPEAT_PANE varchar No Yes Yes
Last Google Sync Timestamp int No Yes Yes
Latitude float No Yes Yes
Location varchar No Yes Yes
Longitude float No Yes Yes
Meeting Creator varchar No Yes Yes
Meeting Password varchar No Yes Yes
Meeting update sequence int No Yes Yes
Modified By Name relate No Yes No
Outlook ID varchar No Yes Yes
Parent Type parent type No Yes Yes
Recurring Source varchar No Yes Yes
Related to parent No Yes Yes
Reminder Time enum No Yes Yes
Reminders bool No Yes Yes
Reminders function No Yes Yes
Repeat enum No Yes Yes
Repeat Count int No Yes Yes
Repeat Dow varchar No Yes Yes
Repeat Interval int No Yes Yes
Repeat Until date No Yes Yes
Start Date datetimecombo Yes Yes Yes
Start/Join Meeting varchar No Yes Yes
Status ColoredActivityStatus No Yes Yes
Subject name Yes Yes Yes
Type enum Yes Yes Yes


LaftTypeRightShort DescriptionRelationship
Candidatesone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in CandidateRelationship: Candidates - Meetings
Candidaturesone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in CandidatureRelationship: Candidatures - Meetings
Emailsone-to-manyMeetingsOne Email record can have many related Meeting records, but a specific Meeting record can be related to only one Email record.Relationship: Emails - Meetings
Meetingsone-to-manyConclusionsOne Meeting record can have many related Conclusions records, but a specific Conclusions record can be related to only one Meeting record.Relationship: Meetings - Conclusions
Meetingsone-to-manyNotesFlex relate used in MeetingRelationship: Meetings - Notes
Meetingsone-to-manyReservationsFlex relate used in MeetingRelationship: Meetings - Reservations
Projectone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in ProjectRelationship: Project - Meetings
Project Tasksone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in Project TaskRelationship: ProjectTask - Meetings
Recruitmentsone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in RecruitmentRelationship: Recruitments - Meetings
Usersone-to-manyMeetingsSpecific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.Relationship: Users - Meetings
Usersone-to-manyMeetingsSpecific Sugar user can create many account records, but specific account record can be created by only one user.Relationship: Users - Meetings
Usersone-to-manyMeetingsSpecific Sugar user can be assigned to many account records, but specific account record can only have one user assigned.Relationship: Users - Meetings

Mentioned in other articles

Technical Description

Dev Notes