Onboarding Templates

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Onboarding Templates
Name: Onboarding Templates
Tech Name: OnboardingTemplates
Class Name: OnboardingTemplates
Type: Standard
Template: Security_groups, Assignable, Basic
Custom Module: No
Auditable: Yes
Importable: No
Reportable: Yes
Hide module on Main Page: No

Short Description

Onboarding Templates are used for generating an actual onboarding for a particular employee and position


Business Description

Onboarding Templates Module is a collection of templates, that are to be used while generating an onboarding for a particular employee and position. Each template is related to a position record. It can also be related to Onboarding/Offboarding Elements, in this case, tasks and trainings to be completed during the onboarding process.

An onboarding may be easily generated from a template by using Generate action. All onboardings generated from the onboarding template are available in the subpanel.

Custom Actions

Action Type Short Description
Generate new Onboarding DetailView Button


Related Processes

ProcessShort Description
OnboardingHow to start and conduct an onboarding process

Related Process Steps

Related Features

Affected by


Related Integrations



LaftTypeRightShort DescriptionRelationship
Onboarding Templatesone-to-manyOnboardingsOne Onboarding Templates record can have many related Onboardings records, but a specific Onboardings record can be related to only one Onboarding Templates record.Relationship: OnboardingTemplates - Onboardings
Positionsone-to-manyOnboarding TemplatesOne Position record can have many related Onboarding Templates records, but a specific Onboarding Templates record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - OnboardingTemplates
Usersone-to-manyOnboarding TemplatesSpecific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.Relationship: Users - OnboardingTemplates
Usersone-to-manyOnboarding TemplatesSpecific Sugar user can create many account records, but specific account record can be created by only one user.Relationship: Users - OnboardingTemplates
Usersone-to-manyOnboarding TemplatesSpecific Sugar user can be assigned to many account records, but specific account record can only have one user assigned.Relationship: Users - OnboardingTemplates

Mentioned in other articles

Technical Description

Dev Notes