Relationship: Users - OutboundEmailAccounts

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Users - Outbound Email Accounts

Relationship outbound_email_modified_user
Type one-to-many
LHS Module Users
LHS Label
LHS Fields
RHS Module Outbound Email Accounts
RHS ID modified_user_id
RHS Label Modified by User
RHS Fields Modified by User, Name, Modified By Name, Modified By

Short Description

Specific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.

Location and Code definition

Array ( [lhs_module] => Users [lhs_table] => users [lhs_key] => id [rhs_module] => OutboundEmailAccounts [rhs_table] => outbound_email [rhs_key] => modified_user_id [relationship_type] => one-to-many )

Mentioned in articles