Feature:Dependency of Employee field in Offboarding

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Revision as of 10:23, 10 June 2020 by Mileckae (talk | contribs)

Dependency of Employee field in Offboarding
Title Dependency of Employee field in Offboarding
Type Automation
Automation Type Logic Hook
Initiating Actions Action:OffboardingTemplates - Generate new Offboarding
Action:Employees - Generate new Offboarding
Action:Offboardings - Generate new Offboarding
Initiating Fields
Initiating Modules
Affected Actions
Affected Fields Employee
Affected Modules
Affected Field Types

Short Description


The Employee field in an Offboarding record is filled in automatically during Generate new Offboarding action. The employee name is taken form popup, that appears after clicking Generate button in the Offborading Template or (Offboardings menu, Employee record) .

Mentioned in articles


Dev Notes