Field:date end@ExitInterviews

From MintHCM Wiki

Exit Interviews - End Date

Name date_end
Module Exit Interviews
Type datetimecombo
Label End Date
Required No
Editable Yes
Visible Yes
Reportable Yes
Importable Yes
Massupdate No
Global Search No
Auditable Yes
* Equals,
* Not On,
* After,
* Before,
* Last 7 Days,
* Next 7 Days,
* Last 30 Days,
* Next 30 Days,
* Last Month,
* This Month,
* Next Month,
* Last Year,
* This Year,
* Next Year,
* Is Between,
* More Than n Months Ago
Options List Name date_range_search_dom
Needs Validation No


Related Features

Affected by

Name Type Short Description Affected Fields Initiating Fields Initiating Modules
Feature:End date field in Exit Interviews calculation Automation When the user wants to use the Generate new Offboarding action in the templates (or the Offboarding menu, Employee record), the end date is calculated based on the sum of the start date and duration of the task. End Date Start Date, Task Duration (h)


Name Type Short Description Initiating Fields Affected Fields Affected Modules
Feature:ExitInterviews - date start - Validation IsBefore Validation End Date Start Date Exit Interviews

Related Integrations

Mentioned in other articles


Dev Notes

Location and Code definition


'date_end' => array( 'required' => false, 'name' => 'date_end', 'vname' => 'LBL_DATE_END', 'type' => 'datetimecombo', 'massupdate' => '1', 'no_default' => false, 'comments' => '', 'help' => '', 'importable' => 'true', 'duplicate_merge' => 'disabled', 'duplicate_merge_dom_value' => '0', 'audited' => true, 'inline_edit' => '', 'reportable' => true, 'unified_search' => false, 'merge_filter' => 'disabled', 'size' => '20', 'enable_range_search' => true, 'options' => 'date_range_search_dom', 'dbType' => 'datetime', ),

Missing User input

Related Features

Affected by

Name Type Short Description Affected Fields Initiating Fields Initiating Modules
Feature:End date field in Exit Interviews calculation Automation When the user wants to use the Generate new Offboarding action in the templates (or the Offboarding menu, Employee record), the end date is calculated based on the sum of the start date and duration of the task. End Date Start Date, Task Duration (h)


Name Type Short Description Initiating Fields Affected Fields Affected Modules
Feature:ExitInterviews - date start - Validation IsBefore Validation End Date Start Date Exit Interviews

Related Integrations

Mentioned in other articles