Dashboard Management

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Process Process:Administration Guide
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Title Dashboard Management
Sequence 1
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Administration Guide

Short Description

Manage your dashboard templates, backups and deployments history.

Dashboard Manager allows system administrators to create default dashboards for system users. Depending on the settings, predefined dashboards can be edited by users. In addition, the functionality allows you to back up the dashboard, which can be restored if necessary.

Dashboard Manager

In this section you can manage dashboard templates.

This is how to create new Dashboard Template:

1. To define and save your dashboard template, you have to set dashboard of your preferences on the main page of MintHCM. Before you do that, make sure, that Prevent user customizable Homepage layout option in System Settings is off. If it is enabled, users, including the Administrator, are not able to edit their dashboards.

2. After your dashboard is set up, you can proceed to Dashboard Manager and create new record using Create Template button on the top left side of the menu.

3. Creating new template you have to enter Dashboard Name (it is required field) and assign it to user. You can also provide description and set a business role of future template user.

4. In the next step, you have to go to newly created record view and click Load Template Data button. Your dashboard set up from the MintHCM main page is now loaded to this template.

5. Now you have to relate users to this template. You can choose three ways of doing that, each will influence the way users can use the template. Note that the user can be associated with only one template and be in one of these three relationships, the system itself takes care of it.

  • Locked dashboard - highly restrictive option

- the user cannot change his dashboard
- tabs added without the option of editing them
- the user cannot change the position of the dashlets
- dashlets can only be refreshed

  • Forced Dashboard - medium restrictive option

- the user cannot edit or delete tabs
- the user cannot edit, delete or add dashlets in the tabs, they can only refresh them and change their location
- the user can add their own tabs, which can then be changed and deleted
- the user can do everything with the dashlets on his tab

  • Users: One time Default - least restrictive option

- the user can do everything with the tabs and dashlets that we define

6. After adding users, you have to use the Deploy Dashboard button that deploys the dashboard to users and create backups. Until you use this action, users will not see any changes.

Dashboard Backups

In this section you can manage dashboard backups.

As soon as Dashboard Template is deployed, its backup is created. You can view and restore backups here. To do so, proceed to record view of a backup and click Restore Dashboard button.

Dashboard Deployment History

In this section you can see dashboard deployments history.

Sub sections

Mentioned in other articles