
From MintHCM Wiki

Name: Competencies
Tech Name: Competencies
Class Name: Competencies
Type: Standard
Template: Security_groups, Assignable, Basic
Custom Module: No
Auditable: Yes
Importable: No
Reportable: Yes
Hide module on Main Page: No

Short Description

A group of employee characteristics required for a particular position

  1. MintHCM - Competencies - Attitudes - Record View.png
  2. MintHCM - Competencies - Knowledge - Record View.png
  3. MintHCM - Competencies - List View.png
  4. MintHCM - Competencies - Skills - Record View.png
  5. MintHCM-Competencies -Record View.png

Business Description

The module collects information about employee characteristics required in a given position, such as knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Knowledge means all the information required in a given area that an employee has in a given position and the scope of which is assessed.

Skills determine the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

Attitudes determine the employee's attitude and motivation to perform their duties.

In the record view, the user can additionally find information on the assessments (Competency Ratings, Appraisal Items) carried out in relation to a given competence.

The system allows the user to choose the type of competence. The following types of competencies are available in the drop-down list in the Type field in the creation view: functional, core, organizational, technical, management and behavioral.


Custom Actions



Related Processes

ProcessShort Description
Competencies and SkillsManagement of employees' competences and skills
Job DescriptionThe description of the functionalities associated with workplace

Related Process Steps

Related Features


Affected by


Related Integrations




LaftTypeRightShort DescriptionRelationship
Competenciesone-to-manyAppraisal ItemsFlex relate used in CompetenciesRelationship: Competencies - AppraisalItems
Competenciesone-to-manyCompetency RatingsOne Competencies record can have many related Competency Ratings records, but a specific Competency Ratings record can be related to only one Competencies record.Relationship: Competencies - CompetencyRatings
Usersone-to-manyCompetenciesSpecific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.Relationship: Users - Competencies
Usersone-to-manyCompetenciesSpecific Sugar user can create many account records, but specific account record can be created by only one user.Relationship: Users - Competencies
Usersone-to-manyCompetenciesSpecific Sugar user can be assigned to many account records, but specific account record can only have one user assigned.Relationship: Users - Competencies

Mentioned in other articles

Technical Description


Dev Notes