
From MintHCM Wiki

Name: Recruitments
Tech Name: Recruitments
Class Name: Recruitments
Type: Standard
Template: Security_groups, Assignable, Basic
Custom Module: No
Auditable: Yes
Importable: No
Reportable: Yes
Hide module on Main Page: No

Short Description

"Recruitments" module is designed to facilitate and streamline the recruitment process within an organization. Its primary purpose is to provide users with a quick and convenient overview of their recruitment activities. By offering a condensed display of information related to particular recruitment processes and relevant recruitment records, it enables users to stay informed and up-to-date with their ongoing recruitment efforts.

  1. Recruitments - Detailed View.png
  2. Recruitments - Edit View.png
  3. Recruitments - List View.png
  4. Recruitments - Subpanels.png

Business Description


The 'Recruitments' module is a vital component of the system, designed to streamline and manage the recruitment process within an organization. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the creation, tracking, and management of recruitment records. Each record in the Recruitments module represents a separate recruitment effort, providing a comprehensive overview of the organization's hiring activities.

To provide users with a quick and convenient overview of their recruitment activities, the 'My Recruitments' dashlet is available on the user's dashboard. This dashlet offers a condensed display of relevant recruitment records, allowing users to stay up-to-date with their ongoing recruitment efforts. For detailed insights on how to utilize and personalize it, refer to the My Recruitments Dashlet article.

For a visual representation of sample Recruitment record creation/edit or detailed views, and subpanels, as well as the module's list view, please refer to the attached screens. These screens will provide a better understanding of the module's interface and functionality.


The Recruitments module comprises several fields, each serving a specific purpose in capturing and organizing recruitment-related information. Here is a detailed explanation of each field:

Name This field is automatically generated and represents the name of the recruitment record. It follows a predefined format, combining the name of selected position and the start date of the recruitment.
Start Date Initiation date of the recruitment process.
End Date Expected completion date of the recruitment process.
Status This dropdown field captures the current status of the recruitment. It offers a selection of predefined options: "For approval," "Planned," "Open," or "Closed."
Currency Allows users to specify the currency in which salary information is provided for the recruitment. Users can select the currency from a dropdown list that includes only the currencies defined in the system.
Salary from Represents the minimum salary range for the position being recruited.
Salary To Represents the maximum salary range for the position being recruited.
Positions Establishes a relationship with the Positions module, linking the recruitment record to the specific position for which the recruitment is initiated. It ensures accurate alignment between recruitment efforts and available positions.
Project Description Allows users to provide additional context or details related to the recruitment project. It can include information about the specific project the position is associated with or any relevant background information.
Vacancy Amount Allows to specify the number of vacancies available for the position being recruited. This field is visible only if the Recruitment Type is set to "Once".
Start Work Date Indicates the intended or actual date when the selected candidate is expected to start their employment.
Recruitment Channels Captures the various channels or sources through which the recruitment is being conducted. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of different recruitment strategies.
Recruitment Type Specifies the type of recruitment being conducted, distinguishing between "Once" and "Continuous" recruitment. Recruitment types are further explained in "Role in the Hiring Process" section below.
Assigned to Assigns responsibility to a specific user or team within the organization for overseeing the recruitment process. It ensures clear ownership and accountability for each recruitment record.
Employees Number Displays a number of employees that has been hired within this recruitment process. This field is visible only in a detailed view of the record and cannot be modified manually as it gets updated automatically, after one of the current candidatures switch it's status to 'hired'.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Saving the record without providing input to them beforehand won't be possible.


The Recruitments module establishes relationships with several other modules within the system, allowing for seamless integration and efficient management of the recruitment process. These related modules include:

In the context of the Recruitments module, these modules have the ability to establish a relationship with the recruitment records. This means that the records from the Tasks, Meetings, Calls, Notes, and Candidatures modules can be associated with a specific recruitment record within the Recruitments module.

To facilitate seamless access to the related records, the detailed view of a recruitment record in the Recruitments module includes subpanels at the bottom. These subpanels display the associated records from the related modules, allowing users to navigate and manage the recruitment-related tasks, meetings, calls, notes, and candidatures efficiently.

Role in the Hiring Process

MintHCM system supports the whole hiring process with four modules: Positions, Candidates, Candidatures and Recruitments. When a position needs to be filled, a recruitment effort is initiated, represented by a distinct record within the 'Recruitments' module. This record captures essential details such as the recruitment name, start and end dates, status, salary information, and recruitment type. Candidates interested in a position apply through various channels, and their individual details are captured in the 'Candidates' module. A candidate can have multiple candidatures, representing their applications for different positions within various recruitments and multiple candidatures can be assigned to one recruitment.

As mentioned above, recruitment's type can toggle between two values: "continuous" and "once". Continuous recruitment is a process that is ongoing and open-ended. It basically means that the organization is continuously accepting applications and considering candidates for a position. It is a good idea to open such recruitment, when there is a constant need for hiring in a particular position or department. Recruitment type set to "Once" in the other hand indicates that this recruitment refers to a specific and time-limited recruitment effort. The organization accepts applications and conducts the selection process within a defined timeframe and for limited vacancy.

The system distinguishes between original and current candidatures, with each candidature record containing two fields related to Recruitments: current and original. When a candidate is moved to a different recruitment during the hiring process, typically for a position different from their initial application, only the current recruitment field gets updated, while the record retains details of the original recruitment in the other field. Consequently, the detailed view of recruitment records includes two subpanels for Candidatures: current and original. Only candidatures originally assigned to a different recruitment will be listed in the Current Candidatures subpanel.


Custom Actions



Related Processes

ProcessShort Description
Meetings - Create new rekordThe process of creating a new meeting.
RecruitmentThe recruitment process with a description of all records needed to carry it out

Related Process Steps

Related Features


Affected by

Name Type Short Description Affected Fields Initiating Fields Initiating Modules
Feature:Dependency of name field in Recruitment Automation A recruitment name is generated from a position name and start date provided during recruitment creation. Name Name, Start Date Recruitments


Name Type Short Description Initiating Fields Affected Fields Affected Modules
Feature:Dashlet My Recruitments Miscellaneous My Recruitments dashlet in MintHCM system is designed to assist recruiters in efficiently managing and tracking their recruitment processes. This dashlet provides a consolidated view of all active recruitment records assigned to the user, allowing recruiters to easily monitor all active recruitment processes and giving them quick acces to essential information about them.
Feature:Dependency of name field in Recruitment Automation A recruitment name is generated from a position name and start date provided during recruitment creation. Name, Start Date Name Recruitments

Related Integrations




LaftTypeRightShort DescriptionRelationship
Positionsone-to-manyRecruitmentsOne Position record can have many related Recruitment records, but a specific Recruitment record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - Recruitments
Recruitmentsone-to-manyCallsFlex relate used in RecruitmentRelationship: Recruitments - Calls
Recruitmentsone-to-manyCandidaturesOne Recruitment record can have many related Candidature records, but a specific Candidature record can be related to only one Recruitment record.Relationship: Recruitments - Candidatures
Recruitmentsone-to-manyCandidaturesOne Recruitment record can have many related Candidature records, but a specific Candidature record can be related to only one Recruitment record.Relationship: Recruitments - Candidatures
Recruitmentsone-to-manyMeetingsFlex relate used in RecruitmentRelationship: Recruitments - Meetings
Recruitmentsone-to-manyNotesFlex relate used in RecruitmentRelationship: Recruitments - Notes
Recruitmentsone-to-manyTasksFlex relate used in RecruitmentRelationship: Recruitments - Tasks
Usersone-to-manyRecruitmentsSpecific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.Relationship: Users - Recruitments
Usersone-to-manyRecruitmentsSpecific Sugar user can create many account records, but specific account record can be created by only one user.Relationship: Users - Recruitments
Usersone-to-manyRecruitmentsSpecific Sugar user can be assigned to many account records, but specific account record can only have one user assigned.Relationship: Users - Recruitments

Mentioned in other articles

Technical Description


Dev Notes