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Candidates +, Candidatures +, Positions +, Notes +, Certificates +, Work Schedule +, Ideas +, Non Working Days Registry +, Feature:Certificates - start date - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:Project - estimated start date - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:Reservations - starting date - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:spent time - Validation Min/Max +, Feature:Tasks - date start - Validation IsBefore +, Working Months +, Feature:Dependency of Assigned to +, Feature:Dependency of Duration Hours +, Feature:Work Schedule - Supervisor Acceptance Automation +, Feature:Dependency of Gross Field +, Feature:Automatic name generation +...
Last editor is"Last editor is" is a predefined property that contains the page name of the user who created the last revision and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
File:candidates create mint.png +, File:candidates create mint 1.png +, File:candidates detail view mint.png +, File:candidates list view mint.png +, File:candidates create mint 0.png +, Feature:Dashlet Work Schedule Manager +, Feature:Dashlet My Calendar +, Feature:Dashlet My Recruitments +, Feature:My Daily Work Schedule +, Feature:Dashlet My Meetings +, Feature:Dashlet My Calls +, File:ev certificates.png +, File:lv certificates.png +, File:employee certificates qc.png +, File:create view notes.png +, File:detali view notes.png +, File:list view notes.png +, File:quick create notes in subpanel.png +, File:non working days ev.png +...
Page creatorThis property is a special property in this wiki.
Candidates +, Candidatures +, Calls +, Positions +, Feature:Project - estimated start date - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:Reservations - starting date - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:Tasks - date start - Validation IsBefore +, Feature:Dependency of Assigned to +, Feature:Dependency of Duration Hours +, Feature:Work Schedule - Supervisor Acceptance Automation +, Feature:Dependency of Gross Field +, Feature:Automatic name generation +, Feature:Automatic Offboarding name generation +, Feature:Own Task checkbox +, Feature:Dependency of name field in Candidatures +, Feature:Dependency of name field in Recruitment +, Action:Candidatures - Create Appraisal +, Feature:Appraisal Items generated from Competencies +, Calendar +...
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