
From MintHCM Wiki

Name: Positions
Tech Name: Positions
Class Name: Positions
Type: Standard
Template: Security_groups, Assignable, Basic
Custom Module: No
Auditable: Yes
Importable: No
Reportable: Yes
Hide module on Main Page: No

Short Description

Stores all the information about positions

  1. MintHCM - Positions - Create New.png
  2. MintHCM - Positions - List View.png
  3. MintHCM - Positions - Record View.png

Business Description

The module collects all the information about jobs in the company.

In the position record view, user can find information such as employees of a given position, pay ranges, employment conditions , benefits, responsibilities and expected level of competence, as well as recruitments for this position, related onboarding and offboarding templates.

It also indicates where in the organizational structure of the company the position belongs to.
In the position record view, you can see two subpanels related to Organizational Units.
The first one, called Is Member Of, is a list of organizational units in which this position is located.
The second one called Organizational Units, is related to granting rights related to belonging to a specific organizational unit.
More information about the last function can be found at the Organizational Unit Management and Organizational Units Settings sections at the Users Configuration page.

The employee can view certain information without being able to create, edit or delete it. The scope of possible privileges depends on the permissions assigned to the role given to the employee. This can be set by the system administrator using Role Management.
The employee can also find here the information regarding their career path and promotion opportunities.


Custom Actions



Related Processes

ProcessShort Description
Competencies and SkillsManagement of employees' competences and skills
Employment HistoryThe description of functionalities enabling documentation collection and analysis related to terms of employment of employees
Job DescriptionThe description of the functionalities associated with workplace
OffboardingHow to start and conduct an offboarding process
OnboardingHow to start and conduct an onboarding process
RecruitmentThe recruitment process with a description of all records needed to carry it out

Related Process Steps

Related Features


Affected by


Related Integrations




LaftTypeRightShort DescriptionRelationship
Positionsone-to-manyAppraisalsOne Position record can have many related Appraisals records, but a specific Appraisals record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - Appraisals
Positionsone-to-manyCareer PathsOne Position record can have many related Career Paths records, but a specific Career Paths record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - CareerPaths
Positionsone-to-manyCareer PathsOne Position record can have many related Career Paths records, but a specific Career Paths record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - CareerPaths
Positionsone-to-manyCompetency RatingsFlex relate used in PositionRelationship: Positions - CompetencyRatings
Positionsone-to-manyOffboarding TemplatesOne Position record can have many related Offboarding Templates records, but a specific Offboarding Templates record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - OffboardingTemplates
Positionsone-to-manyOnboarding TemplatesOne Position record can have many related Onboarding Templates records, but a specific Onboarding Templates record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - OnboardingTemplates
Positionsone-to-manyPositionsOne Position record can have many related Position records, but a specific Position record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - Positions
Positionsone-to-manyRecruitmentsOne Position record can have many related Recruitment records, but a specific Recruitment record can be related to only one Position record.Relationship: Positions - Recruitments
Usersone-to-manyPositionsSpecific Sugar user can modify many account records, but specific account record last modification was performed by specific user.Relationship: Users - Positions
Usersone-to-manyPositionsSpecific Sugar user can create many account records, but specific account record can be created by only one user.Relationship: Users - Positions
Usersone-to-manyPositionsSpecific Sugar user can be assigned to many account records, but specific account record can only have one user assigned.Relationship: Users - Positions

Mentioned in other articles

Technical Description


Dev Notes